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mScales weighing service

Digitalize your weight-based material flows

mScales is a turnkey solution to bring industrial weighing to the digital era.


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mScales connects all your scales - old and new - into a digital grid that covers all touchpoints from a single weighing transaction to data storage, analysis, and regulation compliant reporting.

As of today, our solution has processed more than 10.0 million weighing transactions, for over 98,000 customers and partners.

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See how it works

mScales stands for ease of operation. At best, it takes less than a week to have the world's most accessible material flow control system up and running.

As a safe and secure cloud-native solution, mScales is future-proof. After a simple setup stage, it works as a plug-in for your ERP and other systems, with seamless and effortless integration, through a user-friendly browser-based mobile user interface.

Turnkey ease

mScales - Digitalizing weight-based material flows


mScales is a turnkey solution to bring industrial weighing to the digital era. mScales dramatically enhances the efficiency of industrial weighing operations by automating critical weight-based data flows. The secure and resilient system is easily scalable to meet your changing requirements as it operates in the cloud.



Before mScales

Fragmented weighing systems.

Manual work.

Data quality problems.

Information security challenges.

Develops slowly.

With mScales

All weighing scales connected.

Mobile and cloud-based platform.

Fully integrated to ERP.

Up-to-date data.

Automating weight-based material flows.

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An ecosystem trusted by 98,000 companies

"To improve its business efficiency, Finnsementti has implemented the mScales digital weighing service, which includes an automation system interface. Tamtron's total solution has helped Finnsementti improve weighing accuracy and efficiency and make its operations transparent."
Petri Teräväinen Category Manager, Finnsementti
"With mScales we have been able to improve our operations significantly. Previously we used paper-based transfer documents, but mScales has brought our operations into the modern age by providing a cloud-based solution."
Anna Nevalampi Operating Engineer, HSY
"mScales is an advanced system and can quickly adapt to our changing needs and those of our customers. The service provides transparent and accurate data, which enables us to offer a consistent service across all our sites. In addition to these benefits, mScales is also highly scalable, which is why we believe it holds significant potential for future development", says Lielahti. "
Mauri Lielahti Business Director, Remeo
"mScales has helped us achieve simplicity in our systems when it comes to weighing our vehicles and the deliveries, we have to our customers in a uniform system that everyone within the organization can use. The most positive thing is the simplicity, anyone can learn the system and it is a quick system both internally and externally."
Carl Johan Salomonsson Logistics manager, Nordkalk
"We use mScales to weigh fuels and to count their amount of energy. For us, digital weighing service is an important management tool which helps us to monitor fuel consumption in all our factories. Weighing is also easy; the truck is driven to the scale and the driver identifies with a weighing code, after which the fuel is recorded in the mScales system."
Vesa Tiikkaja Development Manager, Adven
"Digital window into waste flows takes business to the future. Everyday life is made easier because thanks to mScales, weighing is handled conveniently with a smartphone. Drivers also no longer have to worry about misplaced weighing tokens or lost weighing receipts."
Heta Nurmi Operator, Loimi-Häme Waste Management
"mScales has changed our day-to-today work in the port so that we can now transcribe weighing tickets. The digital system considerably reduces the need to visit the site and facilitates the upkeep of the maintenance of the transport register."
Jyrki Roukala Development manager, Port of Kokkola
"mScale's service gives us the opportunity to use weighing codes. It means that every transport and every unique delivery goes via that code, which means that when the driver comes here, he uses a certain pickup code for that particular customer and that delivery," says Salomonsson."
Carl Johan Salomonsson Logistics manager, Nordkalk

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Let us help you digitalize your weight-based material flows

Seamless and effortless integration, through a user-friendly mobile user interface. No credit card required.

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